Better HR has launched an upgrade to our HR
Advice Online Service. With new features to help protect key
advisors, and to help key advisors help clients manage HR and
compliance with confidence.
Webinar Launch – Better HR Employee HR Portal
The new Better HR Employee HR Portal is now available.
Watch the recording of our launch webinar.
Online Employee Timesheets Management Software
Better HR’s Timesheets Register helps employers to
record employee working hours online, simply and easily, to meet
their legal obligations.
Better HR Explainer Video
Watch our new explainer video. To learn more about Workforce
Guardian and how we help thousands of users to manage HR and
compliance with confidence.
Latest Upgrade – Compliance Register & People Search
Our latest upgrade includes several new features including a new
‘Compliance Register’ with a visual display of ‘Risk Level’ on your
dashboard and a new ‘People Search’ on the dashboard to help users
find and access personnel files faster and more easily.
Major Upgrade – New and Improved Content
The Team at Better HR are very excited to
officially release the latest major upgrade to our cloud HR
systems. In this upgrade we have released
twenty-four updated HR processes and eight (8) new HR processes to
help our subscribers. All at no additional cost.
Major Upgrade: Important Information FEB 2017
The team here at Better HR is very pleased to announce
the next major upgrade of our services will commence on Saturday 25
February 2017. The rollout of all our new and upgraded features
will take approximately two weeks. Here’s a handy summary of what
you need to know.
Alerts Major Upgrade
The Team at Better HR are very excited to
officially release the latest major upgrade to the Alerts
functionality in our cloud HR systems.
Personnel Files Major Upgrade
The Team at Better HR are very excited to
officially release the latest major upgrade to our cloud HR
systems. Delivering more features and value to our subscribers. All
at no additional cost. This upgrade delivers major enhancements to
our Personnel Files including significant new database features to
help users manage employee records.
HR Advice Hotline now included with HR Professional and HR Platinum
Our industry-leading HR Advice Hotline is now included as part
of our HR Professional and HR Platinum subscriptions!