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Covid Updates
Covid-Safe Business Plan Template

Covid-Safe Business Plan Template

To help your business prepare a plan for the different stages of
the pandemic Better HR has integrated the
government’s Covid-Safe Business Plan Template into our
HR software. As part of our ‘Covid-19 HR Toolkit’.

JobKeeper Letter Templates Now Available

JobKeeper Letter Templates Now Available

New letter templates are now available in Better HR to
help you manager your JobKeeper record-keeping obligations.
Jobkeeper Agreement to Change Hours/Days of Work or to Take Annual
Leave, JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice and more.

JobKeeper enrolments are open

JobKeeper enrolments are open

The Australian Taxation Office is now accepting enrolments for
the JobKeeper payment through the Business Portal. Please
note the Commissioner has extended the time to enrol for the
initial JobKeeper periods, from 30 April 2020 until 31 May

JobKeeper Enabling Directions Letter

JobKeeper Enabling Directions Letter

Better HR has added a ‘JobKeeper enabling directions
letter template’ to our HR system. If you are planning to stand
down employees, or make changes to their hours, duties or location
of work while they receive the JobKeeper payment, you are required
by law to issue a written notice of the changes.

Video: Changes to 100 Modern Awards during Covid-19 Pandemic

Video: Changes to 100 Modern Awards during Covid-19 Pandemic

The Fair Work Commission has made changes to over 100 different
Modern Awards. To help Australian businesses manage the strain
placed on both employers and employees during the Covid-19
pandemic. In this video, Sean Wilson CEO of Better HR
explains the three main changes. that every employer needs to know

Video: JobKeeper Payment Scheme

Video: JobKeeper Payment Scheme

Following the release of the new JobKeeper Payment scheme a lot
of our customers are now asking us about how it all works. In this
video, Sean Wilson CEO of Better HR talks about the new
legislation and answers common questions including: Is your
business eligible? Are your employees eligible? How to register?
When do payments start?

JobKeeper Payment

JobKeeper Payment

The Australian Government has passed legislation to provide
a JobKeeper payment to help keep more Australians in jobs and
support businesses affected by the significant economic impact
caused by the Coronavirus.

Changes To Fair Work Commission Applications

Changes To Fair Work Commission Applications

The Fair Work Commission’s is no longer accepting applications
in-person or by post due to the Covid-19 crisis. All counters are
now closed, but the FWC is continuing to operate.

Video: Stand Down Employees Lawfully

Video: Stand Down Employees Lawfully

If you’re planning to stand down workers, it’s very important
that you do it lawfully. Or you could be held liable for employee
claims to recover unpaid wages in the future. In this video, Sean
Wilson CEO of Better HR talks about the three key things
you need to demonstrate.

Need help with HR?
Call> Better HR
on 1300-659-563

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