Today we’re announcing a new feature update to the BetterHR platform.
Drag & Drop files
A quick and easy way to upload multiple employee records for safe keeping
You can now drag multiple files from any window on the desktop, and drop files in to employee records. This new update will make it easier to transfer multiple files in to one central location for safe keeping and compliance record management.
You can even update the document name, and reassign the document to another employee record if you’ve accidentally dropped in the wrong one.
Simply select one or more files from your desktop, and drag them to the cloud icon to start the file upload.
Login into your BetterHR Account
Test out this new feature by logging in to your BetterHR Account, select ‘Records’ at the top left hand corner, and choose ‘Upload Records’. Then simply drag and drop the files into into the window, and assign them to right employee.
You can also do this within each ‘Personnel File’ view. Simply select ‘Records’ in the menu on the left, click ‘Files Uploaded’, and select ‘Add New Record’.