On Monday 1 April 2019, Better HR released new features and upgrades to our cloud HR system to help subscribers.
New ‘Import Export Data Wizard’Better HR has added a new wizard to help users import and export bulk data more easily. The wizard includes:
You can find the new ‘Import Export Data Wizard’ under the ‘Support’ menu. |
New and Improved ‘Reports Centre’Users can now run more reports from more database tables. Users can also run better reports using the filter options. And export results easily at the click of a button. For example: ‘ Personnel Files – Detailed Report’ This reports shows all personnel assigned to you and available to your current user permission level. Columns include: Salutation, Firstname, Surname, Gender, Date Of Birth, Phone Number, Mobile Number, Email Address, Email Address 2, Web Address, Other, Physical Address 1, Physical Address 2, Physical Address 3, Suburb, State/Territory, Postcode, Postal Address 1, Postal Address 2, Postal Address 3, Postal Address Suburb, Postal Address State/Territory, Postal Address Postcode, Emergency Contact Person, ContactNumber, Relationship, Disclosed Medical Conditions, Status, Job Title, Employment Type, Start Date, Probation End Date, Contract End Date, Manager, Manager Job Title, Subsidiary/Office, Location/Plant, Team. You can find the ‘Reports Centre’ under the ‘Support’ menu. |
New ‘View People + Search: Detailed’Better HR has added a new register to help users view a detailed table of their personnel files. Users now have the option to view a brief list of fields or a detailed list of fields, depending on their needs. The brief version includes these columns: Name, Job Title, Contract, Status, Start Date, Updated The detailed version includes these columns: Salutation, Firstname, Surname, Gender, Date Of Birth, Phone Number, Mobile Number, Email Address, Email Address 2, Web Address, Other, Physical Address 1, Physical Address 2, Physical Address 3, Suburb, State/Territory, Postcode, Postal Address 1, Postal Address 2, Postal Address 3, Postal Address Suburb, Postal Address State/Territory, Postal Address Postcode, Emergency Contact Person, ContactNumber, Relationship, Disclosed Medical Conditions, Status, Job Title, Employment Type, Start Date, Probation End Date, Contract End Date, Manager, Manager Job Title, Subsidiary/Office, Location/Plant, Team. We’ve also added an ‘Export’ button. To help users download their current data more easily. Either for reporting purposes or to make bulk updates to their data. You can find the new ‘View People + Search: Detailed’ under the ‘People’ menu. |
Contract Wizard UpdatesBetter HR has updated our contract wizard to reflect recent law changes/interpretations: 1. Award-Free Contract: We have updated the logic in ‘Step 6b Leave Page’ of our contract wizard to reflect a recent ruling by the Australian Taxation Office regarding Superannuation on Annual Leave Loading 2. Part-Time Award-Free Contract: We have updated the logic in ‘Step 7a Leave Page’ of our contract wizard to improve the wording when employers want to provide extra paid annual leave. |
We’ve also upgraded our backend systems to improve functions such as user management.
We’ve already commenced working on our next upgrade which includes an exciting new ‘Wizard’ to help you better manage a common HR function that employers often struggle with. I’m sure you’ll love it. Our aim is to have this live for you by early to mid-May. We’ll release more news soon.
Login Now to access the new features and benefits.
Yours truly,
Sean Wilson, Managing Director and CEO