News, views and information
to help you do what you love!
Better HR keeps you informed and up-to-date about important HR and employment laws matters. And provides tips to help you achieve a more productive workforce.
Jobkeeper has ended: Top 5 things every employer needs to know
JobKeeper officially ended yesterday on Sunday, the 28th March 2021. Since March 2020, JobKeeper...
Boosting Apprentices and Trainees Wage Subsidy announced
To assist with the recovery from the impact of COVID-19, the Australian Government has announced a...
Senate passes casual worker definition after IR bill reforms fail to gain crossbench support
The Senate has passed just one section of the Australian Government’s hotly-anticipated Industrial...
Managing performance & Warnings: What Every Employee Needs To Know
Performance managing employees is an important but complex and time consuming process. The risks...
Are You Aware of Employee Entitlements This Easter?
With Easter approaching its important for employers to make themselves aware of their legal...
General protections (unlawful actions): What Every Employer Needs to Know
What are general protections? The general protections are intended to: protect workplace rights...
Fair Work Commission error removes casual penalties from Hair and Beauty Industry Award
The Fair Work Commission has admitted to "inadvertently" deleting an award clause entitling...
Bullying & Harassment: What Every Employer Needs to Know
Everyone has the right not to be bullied or harassed at work. What is bullying? A worker is...
Worker Ordered to Pay Costs For Groundless Unfair Dismissal Case
The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has made a rare costs order against an unfair dismissal applicant...
Melbourne Toy Retailer and its Director Fined $256,000 for Underpayments
The Fair Work Ombudsman has secured a total of $256,000 in penalties in court, including for five...
Does Going Home Early Count As A Sick Day?
It’s happens a lot – an employee goes to work but starts to feel sick a few hours later. Does...
Do you have a Disciplinary Procedures Policy in your workplace?
A good ‘Disciplinary Procedures Policy’ helps ensure compliance in your workplace when...