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Better HR’s All-In-One HR Solution now includes a dynamic online human resources management ‘Letter Wizard’. To help subscribers create best-practice letters for day to day HR tasks quickly and easily.


  • Quickly create best-practice human resource management letters for day to day tasks such as hiring, managing and exiting workers
  • All templates that have been developed, and are kept up to date and compliant, by Australian HR and employment law experts
  • Employee details are automatically added from personnel files to save you time
  • Quickly customise your letters using the built-in WYSIWYG editor
  • Seemlesly email your letters to workers online (Save time printing, posting, scanning, etc)
  • Automatically save a copy of all letters to your HR records and the worker’s personnel file to ensure compliance with your record-keeping obligations

How It Works

Subscribers can now access our dynamic online HR ‘Letter Wizard’ in a few easy steps:

1.  Login to Better HR

2. Go to the ‘Documents’ section in the top menu

3. Click ‘Letter Wizard’ in the drop-down list

Image: How To Find The HR ‘Letter Wizard’

Human Resource Management Letter Wizard - How to Find

Image: Easy to Use ‘Letter Wizard’ Dashboard

Human Resource Management Letter Wizard

4. Select the template required

Image: Select the template required

Human Resource Management Letter Wizard - Select Letter Template

5. Choose the personnel file

6. Choose if you want to include your logo

7. Choose from the signature options

Image: Choose From Multiple Signature Options

Human Resource Management Letter Wizard - Upload Signature Image

8. Edit your letter using the WYSIWYG editor

Image: Easy To Use ‘Letter Wizard’ WYSIWYG Editor

Human Resource Management Letter Wizard - WYSIWYG Editor

9. Click if you want to email your letter

Image: Seemless Email Integration

Human Resource Management Letter Wizard - Seemless Email Integration

10. To finish, click the ‘Send letter and save …’ or ‘Save letter …’ button.

Image: Auto-Save To HR Records & Personnel Files

Human Resource Management Letter Wizard - Auto Save To HR Records and Personnel Files

Wide Range Of Letter Wizard Templates

Subscribers can access a wide range of templates such as:

Subscribers can view which templates are available to their level of subscription by clicking the ‘ Letter Wizard Templates‘ link in the ‘Letter Wizard’.

Image: Letter Wizard Templates

Human Resource Management Letter Wizard Templates List

Already a Subscriber?

If you’re already a subscriber, login to Better HR to access the benefits of Better HR’s new dynamic online ‘Letter Wizard’.

Not a Subscriber?

If you’re not a subscriber, contact our friendly team to find out more about how a subscription to Better HR’s All-In-One HR Solution can help you and your business. Call 1300 659 563, submit our online form or subscribe now.