Sexual harassment and sexual discrimination are illegal and the blame for such behaviour usually lands at the feet of the business. Further, by condoning such behaviour or turning a blind eye creates accessorial liability issues for responsible management. If such behaviour is not dealt with appropriately companies face a range of possible litigation and a destruction of its workplace culture. No one wants to work in a place that condones of turns a blind eye to these sorts of behaviour.
Benefits of having such a policy
By having an appropriately drafted and implemented sexual harassment policy in the workplace companies have already made a clear statement that it won’t stand for unacceptable behaviour and that all employees and their well-being are important.
Further, if incidents do arise then by having appropriately drafted policies in place, the company has a guide to follow to resolve the issue thereby saving resources in what is often a scramble to seek advice on how to handle such matters. Having such policies and procedures in place, and if they are followed, can also help to minimise exposure should a claim against the business be made.
Sexual harassment policies should contain a broad definition of the unacceptable behaviour that encompasses sexual harassment, as well as a clear statement that it will not be tolerated.
Additionally, a policy should contain an appropriate process for handling related complaints.
Next steps
Better HR has a range of policies that can be customised to the needs of your business.
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Non-subscribers can access them via our HR Consulting team. Call 1300 781 299 to discuss your particular policy requirements.