For many years now in industry, technology has driven human resources. With thousands of applicants for each new position that arises, businesses need to harness human resources information systems software to get the job done.
With a reputation for reliability and a mix of technical and HR knowledge, Better HR provides this software as a service to unlock end-to-end HR for your business. Our software is primed for compliance, swinging the pendulum of power back towards employers who would like to manage HR effectively and without exposing themselves to unfair dismissal claims, expensive workplace fines and more.
Our pricing is reasonably cost efficient and is geared for small to large businesses. As such, no matter big or small you are, you’ll be able to unlock the power of virtual HR through an online information system that will add exponential value to the way you do business. We also offer demonstrations before you buy.
Employers should be aware of their responsibilities and rights when it comes to HR. Use a system that helps you manage it efficiently and effectively. With full knowledge of how employment relations work, we have combined an information management system that emulates the real world and offers an affordable, end-to-end HR manager that helps protect employers.
Whether you’re processing candidates, current employees or exiting staff, our human resourcing information systems software is perfect for you. Easy to learn and master, you’ll be able to simplify HR with a streamlined and powerful set of new functions. We manage hiring, managing and exiting through compliance mechanisms that will see you on the right side of the law. And our development teams are forever upgrading the software to keep it up to date, secure, safe and user-friendly, adding new functions that crop up on request from our clients.
When it comes to human resourcing information systems software, Better HR’s right for any business. Call us today to book a demo or arrange a quote.