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The Fair Work Commission has changed the National Training Wage schedule in the Building Award.

The changes apply from the first pay period on or after 1 November 2022.

What’s changing

The Building Award’s National Training Wage schedule (Schedule D) has been updated with a new tailored schedule.

Key changes to Schedule D include:

  • adding minimum weekly rates for trainees, previously found in clause 19.10
  • deleting some training packages and adding others
  • removing references to Wage level C, which has never applied in the Building Award.

The higher duties clause, which was previously clause 19.11, is now clause 19.10.Minimum weekly rates for trainees

Schedule D now includes minimum weekly pay rates for trainees in the following industries:

  • civil construction
  • general building and construction
  • metal and engineering construction
  • residential building and construction.

These minimum rates were previously in clause 19.10.

Training packages included

The new Schedule D only lists the training packages and Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) certificate levels that are relevant to the Building Award.

Some training packages have been added and others have been deleted.

This list is now in clause D.6. The new lists are:

Wage Level A

Training Package AQF certificate level
Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework I, II, III
Electrotechnology I, II, III (III in Western Australia only)
Manufacturing III
Manufacturing and Engineering III
Metal and Engineering (Technical) III
MSL Laboratory Operations II, III
National Water III
Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package II, III
Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector II, III
Transport and Logistics III

Wage Level B

Training Package AQF certificate level
Agriculture, Horticulture, Conservation and Land Management II, III
Furnishing II, III
National Water II
Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package I
Transport and Logistics I, II