Almost every workplace in Australia has staff currently working from home in one form or another.
Our team of employment lawyers and HR professional at BetterHR, are constantly asked by employers what equipment they are required to provide for an employee’s home office.
The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has shed some light on this in confirming that an employee had not been constructively dismissed when his employer refused to supply him with a home desk.
The FWC stated that the Company had fulfilled its Work, Health & Safety obligation by offering the employee an adjustable chair. It was incumbent on the employee to purchase his own desk to perform his role as a “customer assist specialist” from home. (Jayson McKean v Red Energy Pty Ltd [2020] FWC 5688).
Each Working from Home arrangement and the equipment that will be provided will need to be assessed according to the type of work which is being performed.
BetterHR recommends you implement a Working from Home Policy which applies to all employees and then sign individual Working from Home agreements.
Need a Working from Home Policy? BetterHR can help!